Friday, July 31, 2009

Daily Dish SHOCKER! Lumpy seen with hostile alien space invader?!

We just received an anonymous e-mail tip with the following photograph of Lumpy seen together with a suspicious looking alien who may or may not be part of an advance shock troop sent to invade Earth.

When we asked Lumpy’s Agent about this photograph, he responded angrily that “This photograph is clearly an attempt to defame and slander Lumpy’s good character! We categorically deny any and all allegations that my client has any affiliation or knowledge of this alien being.”

Furthermore, he also questioned the legality of the other alien’s presence on Earth by stating, “Lumpy is a goodwill ambassador and a peace loving entertainer from Zgrunturos. As far as this alien is concerned, we think he’s an illegal sentient lifeform.”

Stay tuned for more developments on this shocking allegation. We’ll keep poking away to find out the truth!


  1. That was awesome!!!! This is a cool post. You referenced the alien from Aliens in the Attic.

  2. Lumpy disavows any knowledge of the alien as well as that documentary film Aliens in the Attic.
